Export custom image sizes & formats

The ability to instantly crop, resize and output images, in any format, is crucial to delivering best practice marketing communications.

And a DAM solution that allows you to easily export images to the document requirements and social media formats most commonly used by your business, promotes efficiency and huge cost savings.

The “Custom image size” cropper featured on Brand Toolbox allows users to crop images to pre-configured sizes (set by the Administrator) or enter their own custom dimensions. They can then export their resized images in JPEG and PNG formats.

Export Custom Image Sizes Formats - News

Common image sizes

Listed below are the common Business-centric and Social Media sizes that are shipped with the Brand Toolbox software. Note that this is only a small selection of available sizes – there are countless more (e.g. DL, A3, Business cards, Posters, Billboards etc). You can have as many options as your organisation and taxonomy and metadata structures require:



Social Media Posts

Social Media & Email Headers

Digital Ads

Film & Video


Showcase – Australia Post

To learn how Australia Post have integrated the “Custom image size” cropper tool in their Brand Toolbox, view the Australia Post Brand Hub showcase.

Auspost Photo Library Page



To customise the image crop selections on your instance of Brand Toolbox, send us an email via our Contact form.

Or, to learn how to quickly configure your site to allow members to output their own custom sizes, view the Image restrictions and access help page in our User Guide.

Related features

27 November 2016
