Backoffice User Administration

To log into the backoffice administrator area, you must be an approved ‘User’.

User credentials should have been provided to you by either your system administrator, team leader or the Brand Toolbox support team.

And, depending on your site configuration, access to the backoffice is typically restricted to 1 of 2 access workflows:

  1. Username (email address) and password – Employees and/or External Suppliers
  2. Single Sign-On (SSO) – Employees only

Therefore, before logging on, please ensure you understand the login procedure set up for your company and user type (e.g. different User groups are usually pre-configured into your site before handover and you should be aware of these).

The Brand Toolbox backend administrator login screen

The administrator area can be accessed via the Admin link in the footer of your site or by adding /umbraco after the domain URL, e.g.

The backoffice admin login screen

Backoffice login screen options

SSO customers can sign in directly via the ‘Sign in with Active Directory’ button. Note that the button wording may vary from the visual above depending on the SSO/Active Directory mechanism used by your company.

For all other customers, login occurs via the username and password fields.

For more information on backoffice administrator user settings, permissions and access details, view the Administrator user permissions and user access section.

To create new backoffice admin users, follow the links below...

Creating a new backoffice User

All new backoffice Administrators and Editors must first be invited to become a backoffice ‘User’.

The different User groups are usually pre-configured into your site before handover. And, depending on your site configuration, access to the backoffice is typically restricted to 1 of 2 access workflows:

  1. Username (email address) and password: Employees and/or External Suppliers
  2. Single Sign-On (SSO): Employees only

Therefore, before providing access to new users, please ensure you understand the ‘New User’ creation workflow and the user group you’ll be giving them access to.

To provide Employees and/or External Suppliers with backoffice Username and Password access, select:

To provide Employees with backoffice Single Sign-On (SSO) access, select:
