A list of all active, pending, expired and rejected image requests is available in the backoffice.
The lists allow selected “backoffice” USERS to view all image requests, approve, reject or delete “Pending” image requests, or to reject or delete previously “Approved” requests.
Note that not all backoffice Administrators and Editors will be able to access the image requests tables as they will only be made available to selected backoffice users. Please also note that this “backoffice” approvals mechanism is different to the process that allows “frontend” Image Administrator MEMBERS to be notified whenever a high resolution image is requested. For help on setting up frontend “Image Administrators”, please view the info on the “Permission Requests [tab]” section.
For a definition of the different Image Administrator types, please read the “Setting up Image Administrators” info below.
To view a list of all image requests, please read on...
The backoffice image requests lists are found on the “Image Requests” tab of the root “Content” section:
~/Content [section] > Content [root node menu heading] > Image Requests [tab].
If you cannot see the tab, please view the “Accessing the “Image requests” lists” section below or contact your site administrator to provide access.
There are two image requests tables:
This table lists all “Approved” and “Pending” image requests. It allows you to approve, reject or delete “Pending” image requests, or to reject or delete previously “Approved” requests.
Approving a “Pending” image request automatically sends a notification^ email to the requestor.
Rejecting a “Pending” image request or a previously “Approved” request automatically sends a notification^ email to the requestor and allows you to provide a rejection reason. Once rejected, the request moves into the “Expired and Rejected Image Requests” table outlined below.
Deleting a “Pending” or previously “Approved” request DOES NOT send a notification^ email to the requestor. Once deleted, the record cannot be retrieved and the member will be required to re-request access via the frontend image request form. Note that deleting previously “Approved” records will result in members losing that “Approved” access.
^ Notifications are only sent when approving, re-approving or rejecting an image request.
This table lists all “Rejected” and “Approved (Expired)” image requests. It allows you to reactivate or delete a request.
Note that images automatically move from an “Approved” state to an “Approved (Expired)” state when the requested access duration has expired. If needed, any expired or rejected requests can be “Re-approved” (e.g. reactivated).
Re-approving a “Rejected” or “Approved (Expired)” request automatically sends a notification^ email to the requestor and allows the Administrator to provide a reactivation (reuse) reason, change the access duration and add a new access start date.
Deleting a “Rejected” or “Approved (Expired)” image request DOES NOT send a notification email to the requestor. Once deleted, the record cannot be retrieved and the member will be required to re-request access via the frontend image request form.
^ Notifications are only sent when approving, re-approving or rejecting an image request.
Image requests can be selected, approved, rejected or deleted individually or in bulk.
Once selected (and depending on the type of request selected), the Approve, Reject and/or Delete buttons appear in the action bar above the table.
List items can be sorted (by Name, Image number, Status etc) by clicking the heading above each column in the tables.
Clicking the image requestor’s name within the row reveals the “Image Request Details” panel:
Recorded details include:
The image requests lists are only made available to selected backoffice users (Administrators and Editors).
To access, the “backoffice” USER must be linked to the “Image Requests Dashboard” User Group. An Administrator (with higher privileges) can link the user to this group.
To link the user to the group, click the individual user in the “Users” section...
Then, click “Add” under the “Assign access > Groups” panel:
The “Select users” panel will appear with a list of all User Groups.
Select the “Image Requests Dashboard” User Group and click “Submit”. Remember to click “Save” against the user profile. The user will now be able to view the Image Requests dashboard in the Content section.
It’s important to understand that there are multiple ways to assign Image Administrators (e.g. people who can approve image requests). Approvers can either be “frontend” MEMBERS or “backoffice” USERS. The differences are described below:
Next page: Photo consent forms
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