Asset and Photo lists (properties)

You can assign predefined values to a selection of properties in Asset library “assets” and Photo library “images”, including:

To change the predefined default values within the lists above, you will need access to Content > Settings. The properties correspond to the following “Lists” in the Settings node:

Media “Property” name Settings “Lists” name

Brand  (Asset node)

Asset Brands

File format  (Asset node)

Asset Groups

Orientation  (AssetVersion node)

Asset Orientations

Colours  (AssetVersion node)

Asset Colours

Brand  (Photo Library Image node)

Photo Brands

To change the predefined list values, first select the relevant List.

* Detailed below are the guidance notes for editing the “Asset Groups” asset list, however, the steps apply to any of the asset or photo Lists.

Follow these steps to edit the lists:

  1. Select the Settings > Lists node in the Content section tree.
  2. Click “Asset Groups*” within the Child items tab to reveal the list items/values.

    Lists select list

  3. To create a new list item, click “Create List Item”.

    Asset lists - Create list item

  4. To rename a list item, click the item name and type a new name in the top text field. Note that renaming a list item will sever it’s connection to an asset, if previously assigned to it. Therefore, before renaming, ensure you have a list of the assets the list item is linked to.
  5. To delete an item, select the row and “Delete”.

    Asset lists - Delete list item

  6. Items can also be temporarily hidden by selecting the row and clicking “Unpublish”.
  7. After making any changes, remember to Save and publish the list.

* Detailed above are the guidance notes for editing the “Asset Groups” asset list, however, the steps apply to any of the asset or photo Lists.

List Item Description

Each list item has a “List Item Description” field in the “Content” tab:

List item descriptions

This description can be used for backoffice information purposes only or added to the frontend below the existing Photo or Asset library intro text^. The description can include links, formatted text, bullet lists and images.

^ Note: Currently, this description will only appear in the Asset library “Intro Text” area if assigned to a list item within the “Asset Groups” list type. It will not appear on the frontend for any other list type.

For it to appear in the frontend, the “Display List Item Description” property must be toggled “ON”.

Asset file format to Category link

Asset file formats (“Asset Groups” list items^) such as Logos, Icons, Templates, Video files etc can be linked to Categories. Once linked, selecting the File format (Asset group) button in the Asset library frontend will also automatically select the linked category. Conversely, selecting the Category in the Asset library frontend will also automatically select the linked File format button.

The purpose of this feature is to quickly filter and collate related assets. For example, when linked, selecting the “Iconsfile format button will automatically select and reveal the “Icon categories” — and thus presenting the user with only the categories that relate to the chosen file format. It’s a 1-step “filtering” process rather than the frontend user needing to first select the Icons file format then figuring out what categories relate to those Icons.

Linking “File formats” to “Categories”

First select the relevant list item:

  1. Select the Settings > Lists node in the Content section tree.
  2. Click “Asset Groups^” within the Child items tab to reveal the list items/values:

    Lists select list

  3. Select the relevant list item (e.g. Icons).

    Select icons asset group list item

  4. Then, in the “Content” tab, scroll down to the “Asset file format to Category link” and click “Add” to open the category selector.

    Add category to file format list item

  5. Select an asset category (e.g. Icon category). The Asset file format (asset group) is now linked to the Asset category. Note that file formats cannot be linked to subcategories – they can only be linked to the top-tier level 1 category.
  6. After making changes, remember to Save and publish the list.

^ Note: Currently, only the “Asset Groups” list item type will link to the asset category in the frontend. This feature will not work for any other list type.

Important: If an “Icon” file format is linked to an “Icon” category and the individual asset isn’t tagged with BOTH the “Icon” file format and “Icon” category, then the asset will not display in the frontend. THE ASSET NEEDS TO CONTAIN BOTH METADATA PROPERTIES FOR IT TO DISPLAY.
