Branding (company sub-brands/domains and site branding/styling)

Branding” is a legacy backoffice term to describe other sub-brands or email domains (sub-domains) that are used by the business or agency across employee email addresses.

In this backoffice node, it also includes the company and brand name properties, as well as links to the logos and CSS styles used across the site.

It contains three tabs:

Registration form sub-brands (or email domains/sub-domains)

In regards to members registering to the Brand Toolbox, it is quite common for employees of the company or agency to have email addresses with different endings. For example, employees of Brand Toolbox may register with either:

For registration purposes (and for added security), we enforce company/agency employees to register with their company email address. For example, employees cannot enter their full email address at registration – they need only enter their “Email address Prefix” and pick their domain, if multiples exist: 

Registration form email address ending selection

This process requires that all email endings are first pre-installed in the system.

To enable this, all the email endings must first be added to the backoffice as “Sub-Brand” domains. They must then be linked to the corresponding Member Group. Therefore, there are two steps:

Note that all Brand Toolbox sites will also have a default “Company Email Domain”. This is used as the company’s main email address for registration and, generally, should not be altered after the site is deployed to the business. This default property is found at:

Adding company “Sub-Brand” email domains (sub-domains)

Follow these steps to edit the Sub-Brand lists:

  1. Select the Settings > Branding node in the Content section tree.
  2. To create a new “Sub-Brand” (sub-domain) item, click “Create Sub-Brand” within the Child items tab.

    Branding node - Create sub brand item

    Enter a new name in the top text field and add an email address in the “Sub Brand Domain” field. DO NOT enter the at sign, @, before the domain.

    Branding node - Enter sub brand details

    Remember to “Save and publish” after making your edits.

  3. To edit a “Sub-Brand” (sub-domain) item within the Child items tab, first click the item in the list.
    • To rename the item, enter a new name in the top text field.
    • To change the email address, enter a new name in the “Sub Brand Domain” field.
    • Remember to “Save and publish” after making your edits.
  4. To delete an item, select the row and “Delete”.

    Branding node - Delete sub brand Item

  5. Items can also be temporarily hidden by selecting the row and clicking “Unpublish”. However, note that if the sub-domain is linked to a member group, the domain will then become inactive for that member group.

Linking the “Sub-Brand” email domains to Member Groups

Once all sub-brands/email endings are created (see above), they must then be linked to the corresponding Member Group.

To link the sub-brands (email domains) to the corresponding member group:

  1. Select the Content [section] > Settings > Member Groups [node] and select a member group.

    Linking sub brands to member groups

  2. Select the “Branding” tab and link (+Add) the “Sub Brands” to the items previously created above.

    Linking sub brands email domains to member groups

    Submit” changes and remember to Save and publish.

Only toggle, ON, the “Include Default Domain” property if you want to include the default Company Email Domain in the email address list.

Branding [tab]

This tab includes the company and brand name properties, as well as links to the logos and CSS styles used across the site.

The following editable properties exist on the page: 

Company Name

This is the short form company name used across the site and can be different to the full legal company name used in the copyright statement.

Brand Name

This is usually the same as the company name used across the site, however, it may differ if the brand name differs from the company name.

Company Logo

Appears across all site mastheads throughout the site except for the login screen. If blank, the logo is hardcoded into templates via CSS styles.

Company Favicon

This is the logo icon that is displayed in the browser tab for the site.

Contact Sheet Logo

This smaller (and square format) logo is used for the Photo library contact sheet only. It is usually provided 218 x 218px in size.

Theme CSS File

This is the path to the default CSS theme file used across the entire site. PLEASE DO NOT ALTER IT.

It is always in the format: /css/clientname_skin.css

Theme Font URLs

Any links to pre-embedded font APIs (such as Google Fonts) must be entered here.

For example, a link to the Google Font: Public Sans, is usually entered in the following format:,wght@0,300;0,600;0,700;1,300;1,600;1,700&display=swap
