Asset library settings

Asset library settings can be configured here. The tab includes the following key properties:

Asset Brands /Colours /Groups /Orientations [properties]

These properties are shortcut links to the Asset lists found at: Content [section] > Settings > Lists [nodes] > Asset Brands / Asset Colours / Asset Groups / Asset Orientations [list items]. DO NOT remove them.

User guidance on editing these Asset lists can be found on the Asset and Photo lists page.

Asset Request form [properties]

Asset Request Form - Intro Text

The Asset request form includes an intro description text field which is customisable in the backoffice at the following location:

Backoffice location: Content [section] > Settings [node] > Asset Library [tab] > Asset Request Form - Intro Text [property]

Asset Request Form: Duration Description

This text describes the conditions on the length of time requested that the asset be available for.

Note that, if approved, the duration requested is also the time period that members are able to download the assets requested. After this time period, access to download the assets will be retracted.

Do not delete the “Access: Min = [%minimum%] days, Max = [%maximum%] years” text from the field, as this data is automatically pulled into the field text and is dependent on the values specified below.

Asset Request Form: Duration - Minimum (Days)

Specifies the minimum time period that the member is allowed access to the asset, in days.

Range: 14 to 365 days

Asset Request Form: Duration - Maximum (Years)

Specifies the maximum time period that the member is allowed access to the asset, in years.

Range: 1 to 20 years

Asset Request Form: Start Date - Maximum (Months)

Specifies the maximum time period from the asset request date that the member is allowed to select as the “Start date” for access to the asset, in months.

Range: 1 to 12 months (note that in most cases, there is no need to change this value from “12”)

Configuring Administrators to approve the asset requests

More information on setting up the Administrator/s to receive the requests for approval can be found on the Settings node – Permission Requests tab section of the User Guide.

Alternatively, Administrators can be configured in the “Asset Admin Emails” property at backoffice location: Content [section] > Settings [node] > Permission Requests [tab] > Asset Admin Emails [property]

Allow Asset Sharing [property]

Toggling the Allow Asset Share property “ON” allows logged-in members to share Asset library assets with external (non logged-in) people.

When toggled “OFF”, all asset share buttons across the site will be hidden.
