The “Settings” node

Below is an outline of the properties on the Settings tabs.

General Settings [tab]

These properties are configured before handover and are usually not edited after initial deployment.

Property: Legal Name

This is the company’s full legal name and can be different to the short form company name used across the site. It is used on the copyright statement.

e.g. © SYNRG Company Pty Ltd 2019

Property: Site Name *

This is the site name used across the site.

e.g. Welcome to the SYNRG Brand Portal

Property: Company Email Domain *

This is used as the company’s main email address for registration purposes.


If other email addresses (sub-domains) are used across the business, these can be set on the “ContentSettings > Branding” backoffice node. Further information on how to configure these extra domains is included on the Branding (company sub-brands/domains and site branding/styling) user guide page.

Email Enquiry [tab]

This tab contains the following editable properties:

Property: Email From *

This is the email address that will appear on automatically generated emails from the system.

Note: If wanting to use your own email address, then this will first need to be cleared with your IT department to ensure they allow any “” emails coming from a mail server other than your own mail server. If not allowed, then we will simply use “”.

Property: Admin Emails *

The ‘Access Administrator’ is the company/agency representative who is chosen to approve registrations. They are sent the final email notifying them of any new registration applications. The ‘Access Administrator’ is usually a member of the Brand or Marketing Team who polices which users are allowed into the system.

Multiple email addresses can be added to send the approval requests to multiple Access Administrators (approvers).

Note: This is a global setting for all member groups that require approval. You can override this value for each individual member group on the following node: “Content > Settings [node] > Member Groups[Chosen Member Group] > Settings [tab] > Registration Email Approval [property].

Further information on overriding the settings can be found on the following User Guide page: Registration Email Approval

Property: Support Email *

This property can be used for questions directed at the IT or Support Teams.


The property [%SupportEmail%] can be included on automated email templates or the support link on the site footer.

Property: Brand Enquiry Email *

This is the email address of the Brand/Marketing Team person or group that users of the system can contact in the event of a brand or marketing query. It is usually a member of the Brand or Marketing Teams (or the team’s email address) who administer the site.


Property: Brand Team *

This is the team or department name of the group (or individual) where brand or marketing related questions are forwarded to (and is usually related to the ‘Brand Enquiry Email’ property above). It is the name of the brand/marketing team department that users of the system can contact in the event of a brand query, and the property [%BrandTeam%] can be included on automated email templates.

e.g. ClientName Marketing and Communications Team
e.g. ClientName Brand Team

Property: Show Feedback Form on Pages

If selected (toggled: ON), a feedback form is displayed on the right-hand side of the toolbar where a member can send feedback to the Brand/Marketing teams. The options are: Question, Problem or Suggestion.

Note that the feedback form will appear on all pages.
Feedback is not posted on the site.

Property: Show Comment Form On Pages

If selected (toggled: ON), a comments form is displayed on the base of each page where a member can send comments about the displayed/referenced page.

Note that the comments form will appear on all pages.
Comments are not posted on the site.

Property: Email Comment To *

These are the email addresses of company team members that any site comments or feedback form submissions are emailed to.

Multiple email addresses can be added to send the submissions to multiple people.

Property: Email Masterhead Image

This is the link to the email masthead image that it placed on the top of these auto-generated system emails.

To find the location of the image in the Media section, simply click the pencil icon:

Email masthead image pencil

The image is usually found within the ‘Site logos’ folder node at: Media [section] > Guideline display visuals > Site logos [node].

Property: Email Masterhead Alt Tag

An “alt” tag must be included with the email masthead image above to pass WCAG 2.0 compliance. The “alt” tag contents must be descriptive, informative and fully explain what the image is for users who are site-impaired. For example:

Brand Toolbox logo email masthead image

Permission Requests [tab]

Both the Asset and Photo libraries have a permissioning and approval system that allows assets/images to be viewed but not downloaded. Users need to go through an approval process to be able to download.

More info on the permissioning/approval mechanisms for each type is listed below:

The two properties on this “Permission Requests” tab allows you to choose the Asset or Image Administrator/s who approve the requests to download “locked” assets or to download high resolution images (when only low resolution or watermarked images are initially provided).

Property: Image Admin Emails

The ‘Image Administrator*’ is the representative who is chosen to approve image requests. They are sent the approval/rejection email notifying them of any new image applications. The ‘Image Administrator*’ is usually a member of the Brand or Marketing Teams.

Multiple email addresses can be added to send the submissions to multiple people.

Note that this is a global setting for all member groups. If you would like different Administrators to approve image requests made by different member groups, then individual member group overrides can be configured at:

~/Content/Settings/Member Groups > [individual member group] > “Settings” tab > “Image Group Admin Emails” property.

* Note that this property allows you to choose a “Frontend” Image Administrator MEMBER to approve image requests (without logging into the backoffice). Image requests can also be approved via the backoffice, however, backoffice USER approvers need to be configured to access the “Image Requests” lists. More info on accessing and setting up backoffice approvers can be found on the “Approving image requests” page.

For detailed definitions of the different Image Administrator types, please read the “Setting up Image Administrators” info on the “Approving image requests” page.

Property: Asset Admin Emails

The ‘Asset Administrator**’ is the representative who is chosen to approve asset requests. They are sent the approval/rejection email notifying them of any new asset applications. The ‘Asset Administrator’ is usually a member of the Brand or Marketing Teams.

Multiple email addresses can be added to send the submissions to multiple people.

Note that this is a global setting for all member groups. If you would like different Administrators to approve asset requests made by different member groups, then individual member group overrides can be configured at:

~/Content/Settings/Member Groups > [individual member group] > “Settings” tab > “Asset Group Admin Emails” property.

** Note that this property allows you to choose a “Frontend” Asset Administrator MEMBER to approve asset requests (without logging into the backoffice). Asset requests can also be approved via the backoffice, however, backoffice USER approvers need to be configured to access the “Asset Requests” lists. More info on accessing and setting up backoffice approvers can be found on the “Approving asset requests” page.

For detailed definitions of the different Asset Administrator types, please read the “Setting up Asset Administrators” info on the “Approving asset requests” page.
