Member groups

General Member Group settings can be configured here and includes registration form workflows, expiry and image access settings.

The node includes the following key tabs:

Content [tab]

The Content tab stores important Member Group settings for the registration form. From this tab, you can choose whether the member group is selectable at registration and the type of registration form that appears.

It includes the following properties:

Property: Member Group Type

This property affects the registration process only. It selects the type of information that appears on the registration form, and includes:

Property: Referrer Message

If choosing the “Supplier” or “Public^” registration process above, the Referrer Message must be entered here in the following form:

Please enter the details of the [ClientName] contact who referred you to this site

As mentioned above, Suppliers are forced to go through an approval process when registering. This adds an additional level of security by forcing the Access Administrator (person who approves registrants) to either approve or reject the application.

Property: Hide from Registration

If checked, the Member Group will be hidden from the registration form selection list. This is usually applied to key administrator member groups such as company Admins or Communications/Marketing Team members who have access to privileged info on the site. When hidden, the registrant/member needs to be manually approved or escalated to the chosen member group.

Click here for more info on Escalating Member Status.

Property: Description

This description will be shown as a label on the registration form. Use it to provide additional information on the member group selected. For example:

External Suppliers are external users or contractors who DO NOT have an “” email address.

Note that the Brand Toolbox “Referrer” (employee) will be contacted to verify your application.

Branding [tab]

Instructions on how to edit this screen is included in “Branding”.

Settings [tab]

Property: Is Admin Group

Specifies that this Member Group is an elevated Admin group with the ability to approve registrations and image requests.

Photo library image size access settings:

Property: Can Download Low Res

Ability to download Small (630px) and Medium (1200px) images.

If not selected, only a Small (630px) watermarked image is viewable and downloadable. E.g. ‘Public’ users usually only see watermarked images, so both the Low & High Res checkboxes must remain unchecked.

Property: Can Download High Res

Ability to download Large (2400px) and Original uploaded images. Additionally, it includes the ability to crop images to pre-configured sizes (set by the Administrator) and to enter custom dimensions for export.

Note that additional information on the Photo library image size and watermark restrictions permissioning mechanism can be found on the Image restrictions and access page.

Additional access settings:

Property: Can View Unpublished/Archived Assets

Allows members to view the “Published/Unpublished/Archived” drop-down list. When selected, members are able to view Unpublished and Archived images and assets in the frontend libraries, as well as to see the backoffice path to the file in the “Media” section.

Property: Can Download Consent Forms

Allows members to download Photo Consent Forms (e.g. signed Talent Release Forms) from the Photo library and to see the backoffice path to the file in the “Media” section.

Registration approval settings:

The following properties allow you to configure if account registrations for this member group go through an approval process.

Property: Registration Requires Approval

If yes (toggled: ON), then the registration follows the registration requires approval workflow and the “Registration Email Approval” property below requires an email address. The email address is the email of the Access Administrator who approves registrations. Note that the expiry date uses the date taken at approval, plus the value of the ‘Expiry Interval Number’ property below.

If no (toggled: OFF), then there is no approval process — the registration process requires validation of the email address only for the member account to be active. Note that the expiry date is set from the validation date.

Property: Registration Email Approval

If “Registration Requires Approval” is checked, then the approval email is sent to the following email addresses. Multiples can be selected separated by comma/space.

If blank, defaults to the value set in the “Content > Settings [node] > Email Enquiry [tab] > Admin Emails [property].

Note that further information on the registration workflows can be found on the Member login and registration process user guide page.

Membership time spans and expiry intervals:

Property: Expiry Interval Number *

The expiry interval number is the default time span for the initial expiry date set when a member is approved. For example, to set the membership time span to 2 years, enter a value of “24” and select “Months” on the “Expiry Interval” property below.

To turn off the expiry function, enter a large value. For example, 240 = 20yrs (assuming “Months” is selected on the “Expiry Interval” property).

Property: Expiry Interval *

This property is linked to the “Expiry Interval Number” property above. It is the expiry interval time span for initial expiry date set when a member is approved. Choose “Days” or “Months”.

Property: Sliding Expiry

The sliding expiry mechanism allows the expiry date to be reset every time the member logs in. As long as the member keeps logging in (within the time period set on this property^), the membership time span will be continually extended.

If yes (toggled: ON), then each login updates the expiry date^^ (from the date logged in) by the “Disable Interval Number” and “Disable Interval” values (shown below).

^ The “Sliding Expiry” feature enables you to force a member to log in within a certain time period. For example, if you want a member account to be disabled whenever a member hasn’t logged in for six (6) months, turn on “Sliding Expiry” and set the “Disable Interval Number” value to “6”.

^^ If a member is assigned to multiple member groups, the highest value on any of the assigned member groups takes precedence. Therefore, if one group’s sliding expiry is set to 6mths and the other set to 12mths, then the expiry date will be pushed forward by 12mths.

Note also:

Property: Disable Interval Number *

If “Sliding Expiry” is on, the member’s expiry date will be updated (from the date logged in) by the interval set here.

Note: If sliding expiry is turned off (toggled: OFF), enter a zero “0” value.

Property: Disable Interval *

Time interval relative to the “Disable Interval Number” property above. Choose “Days” or “Months”.

Property: Expiry Note

Note that any information entered into this field are backoffice Administrator notes only and do not appear in the frontend. Use the field to document member group registration and expiry settings (so other Admins are aware of any processes).

Developer notes only: “Registration Requires Approval” is tested/used at the verification step only. “Sliding Expiry” is tested every login.

Note the following when upgrading from older BTv3 instances:

  1. To turn off expiry, you would need to turn off sliding expiry and reset all the members with an expiry date set to the distant future.
  2. To turn on expiry for a user, you would need to set their expiry date.

Integration [tab]

Property: SSO User Group

If Single Sign-On (SSO) is integrated with an Employee group, then the Brand Toolbox member group must be mapped to the company/agency’s Active Directory group/identity names.

To map Member Group names to Active Directory group/identity names:

  1. Go to the Content section and open Settings > Member Groups

    SSO mapping Brand Toolbox Member Groups to Azure AD identity names - Choose group

  2. Choose the individual Member Group^
  3. In the “Integration” tab, enter the Azure (or other) AD group/identity name into the “SSO User Group” property...

    SSO mapping Brand Toolbox Member Groups to Azure AD identity names - Enter Azure identity name

  4. Remember to Save and publish.

^ Note that you must map each member group to its relevant Active Directory group/identity name.

Property: Default Group

DO NOT enable (toggle on) this property. Enabling this property automatically adds new members to this member group, on registration.
