BT v4.0.39 & 40

Release notes:

Includes the Beta release of the new ‘Image and Asset Requests approvals’ dashboards.

Status: Released
Release date: 26 February 2026

New Features

BT v4.0.39 and 4.0.40 introduced the Beta release of the new ‘Image and Asset Requests approvals’ dashboards.

The dashboards provide powerful new tools designed to simplify administrative tasks, image and asset approvals, and the granting of access permissions across all media.

Feature 1123 & 1132 – Image and Asset Requests approvals dashboards

With these back-office dashboards, administrators gain complete visibility over all requests, allowing selected ‘back-office’ users to:

Additionally, the dashboards:

This project includes the following key tasks:

For further info, view the following pages of the Brand Toolbox User Guide:

Issues & Tasks

Task 1127 – Batch Enable-Disable all access

In the Photo and Asset library batch editors, we added ‘Disable all access’ and ‘Enable all access’ properties (toggles) to allow batch editing.

Task 1130 – Photo library speed improvements

A considerable amount of caching work has been completed within the Photo library to ensure it handles sites as large as 50,000+ images. Previous speed issues were related to the number of images stored in the library, rather than the overall total disk size taken up by the media files.

Bug 1128 – Print to PDF timeout/404 error

The ‘Save this Section to PDF’ tool crashes (timeout/404 error) on large sites (400+ pages). Adjust timeout to extend processing availability.
