This is a scheduled release featuring the new SEO metadata search tab, as well as the much-anticipated Routing (redirects) mechanism.
Status: Released
Release date: 13 September 2021
Added a new tab, SEO, with two new properties on standard content pages to assist with page search. The properties are named, ‘SEO Metadata’ and ‘SEO Keywords’. The ‘Pages’ search in the top menu now also searches the contents of these two news fields.
User guide page: Page settings > SEO
Backoffice location: Content > Home > *chosen guidelines page* [node] > SEO [tab] > ‘SEO Metadata’ or ‘SEO Keywords’ [property]
On the following template pages, there was a ‘Redirect page’ property in the ‘Properties’ tab but it only allowed linking to a page within the CMS:
It is now also possible to link to ‘anchors’ and ‘external pages’, as well as the new ‘Routing’ tab/page which allows for a number of different redirect and routing scenarios, such as:
Each of the properties above in the ‘Routing’ tab of a standard guidelines page is well documented alongside each property.
User guide page: Page settings > Routing
Backoffice location: Content > Home > *chosen guidelines page* ^ [node type] > Routing [tab] > *chosen property* ^^ [property]
In the main navigation menu, under the level 1 ‘Photo library’ item, the level 2 items previously only displayed ‘Categories’. This new feature now gives the customer the choice of displaying either of the following as the level 2 items:
In addition, the navigation also now displays level 3 ‘Sub category’ items, if any exist.
In the main navigation menu, under the level 1 ‘Asset library’ item, the level 2 items previously only displayed ‘File formats’ (e.g. logos, videos, icons, templates etc). This new feature now gives the customer the choice of displaying either of the following as the level 2 items:
Backoffice location:
Content > Home > Photo Library [node] > Navigation [tab] > Display In L2 Menu [property]
Content > Home > Asset Library [node] > Navigation [tab] > Display In L2 Menu [property]
As the logo already acts as a link to the Home page, this addition allows the Home icon to be hidden from the top navigation. Note that no new mechanism was created to facilitate this, as we simply hide the logo via CSS.
The Registration page submission form now alerts you when you try to register with an email address already existing in the system. New registrants are now alerted with the following message: Email already used warning
Remove the login field labels for both the Username and Password fields and restyle widths/strokes accordingly. Note that we decided to hide them via CSS (display: none;). This allows companies/agencies to continue to meet WCAG 2.0 compatibility by displaying the labels.
Create a ‘Brand’ dropdown property in the Photo library so images can be branded (sub-branded). Branding of assets already exists in the Asset library. This new feature now aligns the two libraries.
Backoffice location: Media > Image library [node] > [*Photo Library Image*] > Properties [tab] > Brand [property]
We recently added a new ‘Brand’ metatag and filtering property in the Photo library (see Task 671 above). This task adds the new ‘Choose Brand’ dropdown property to the Photo library batch uploader/batch editor.
Backoffice location: Media > Image library [node] > [*Photo Library Image*] > Properties [tab] > Brand [property]
BUG 695 - Media Player Preview video error
BUG 680 - Downloads reporting - ‘Images’ missing
BUG 682 - Content tree display issues - Home subpages
Next page: BT v4.0.11
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